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Sahr Ngegba’s Blog

Top Coding Languages: Explained

Top Coding Languages: Explained

Programming languages are the backbone of software development. There is a multitude of programming languages out there, but some are more popular and widely used than others. Here are some of the top coding languages explained.   Python Python is a high-level...

The Importance Of Digital Transformation In Local Government

The Importance Of Digital Transformation In Local Government

Are you a local government official struggling to implement a digital transformation strategy? Are you interested in learning more about how other authorities are doing it?  Unfortunately, many of the projects launched by the local government fail due to the lack of...

Biggest Tech Lawsuits That Have Been Resolved

Biggest Tech Lawsuits That Have Been Resolved

The tech industry, a hotbed of innovation and disruption, has witnessed its fair share of legal battles. Some of the most significant tech lawsuits have shaped the digital landscape, influencing how companies operate, compete, and protect their intellectual property....

Protecting Your Data From Companies

Protecting Your Data From Companies

In an era dominated by digital interactions, concerns about data privacy have become more pronounced than ever. As companies continue to amass vast amounts of personal information, individuals must proactively protect their data from potential misuse or security...

Steps to Take if Your iPhone Gets Stolen

Steps to Take if Your iPhone Gets Stolen

Discovering that your iPhone has been stolen can be a distressing experience, but it's crucial to act swiftly to mitigate potential risks and increase the likelihood of recovering your device.  Here are the essential steps to take if your iPhone gets stolen: Remain...

5 Ways to Prevent Getting Hacked

5 Ways to Prevent Getting Hacked

In today's digitally interconnected world, the threat of cyberattacks looms large, with hackers constantly devising new techniques to compromise individuals' and organizations' data security. However, there are proactive steps you can take to minimize the risk of...

How to Set Boundaries With Screen Time

How to Set Boundaries With Screen Time

Managing screen time is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Excessive screen use can lead to various issues, including eye strain and disrupted sleep patterns. Striking a balance involves intentional choices and establishing healthy limits. Begin by...

How Google Became So Prevalent

How Google Became So Prevalent

Google was first founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin and has since evolved from a humble search engine into a technological giant that permeates nearly every aspect of our digital lives. The company's rise to prevalence is a testament to its innovative...

How Silicon Valley Became Silicon Valley

How Silicon Valley Became Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley, synonymous with technological innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, wasn't always the global tech hub it is today. Nestled in the southern part of the Bay Area, it transformed from a region of orchards and farmlands into the epicenter of the...

What Are the Most Popular Criticisms of AI?

What Are the Most Popular Criticisms of AI?

Artificial Intelligence has rapidly evolved, influencing various aspects of modern life, from healthcare and education to industry and entertainment. However, this technological marvel is not without its criticisms. As AI becomes integrated, concerns regarding impact,...